
A native iOS app to manage your data activities and authentications to protect you from privacy abuse.

Project Header Image


April 2021 - June 2021


Kathreen Fontecha

My Role

UX Research, Prototyping, Human-centered design

Design Process

Design Process Chart



Data privacy has become a massive concern for users. Data is collected by various data brokers through users' mobile activities, generating a $227 billion industry.

In April 2021, Apple launched iOS 14.5, requiring third-party apps to ask for users’ permissions to track their activities, something no other operating system had addressed to date. This update allowed users to avoid privacy abuse to control privacy-related features such as sign-in, data tracking, and browsing histories.

However, while users were given control over their permission and privacy, they were required to navigate through various locations to manage all of their data.



To better understand privacy issues, I researched how data had been manipulated by data brokers, third-party apps, and ad platforms before April 2021. I also performed a deep analysis of all the iOS privacy features as well as Apple's value of user privacy.

By tracking location only, data brokers could be aware of most user behaviors.

According to the App Store Privacy Card, Social Media takes all types of user information.

It is highly likely users are unaware of how much information is taken.

There is no easy way to get rid of all your data online.


Competitive Analysis

Since I was developing Privacy Dashboard for the iOS environment, I analyzed privacy-related settings in iOS 14 to better understand user pain points. In addition, I decided to study three other platforms related to the project.

  • Users can opt-out of specific business' ads

  • Data access and management for user

  • May accidentally delete users' connecting accounts

  • Users cannot opt-out of all data tracking at once

  • Approve access directly through the notification

  • Difficult to set up

  • Not many interactions other than authenticating

  • If users switch devices or lost devices, they need to set it up again

  • Clear information charts

  • Organizing and categorizing feature allows customization

  • The section educates users on how to manage their subscriptions

  • Detailed information for all transactions

  • Cognitive overload of content



I developed two storyboards that include scenarios when Privacy Dashboard could help users protect their privacy.




My research with users, analysis, and storyboarding left me with many puzzles to solve. I gathered my insights and connected and grouped them into an affinity map. Through this process, I identified the main features I wanted to include in Privacy Dashboard.


Generate random emails address for users to register

Streamline processes for users to protect their privacy (i.e., keeping user permission management in a centralized location)

The dashboard presents users with an at-a-glance view of their privacy settings

Handoff for two step authentication


Design native iOS experience to display and manage user’s data activities and authentication to protect user from privacy abuse.


Create a safe and easy on-boarding process via Apple ID and FaceID.

Data Visualization

Visualize data usage with simple graphs and icons from SF Symbols.

Data Management

Stop any unauthorized data usage with a single tap.

Sign-up Process

Simplfy the registration process on websites while maintaining safety.



I studied Wallet, App Store, Activities, and Sign In with Apple in iOS to ensure a native and consistent iOS experience.

Moodboard image


Task Flows

I decided to focus my initial work on Privacy Dashboard on three main tasks: onboarding process, stop data tracking and create an account on any website through the privacy dashboard. I tested these flows with users, assessed the feedback, and enhanced the task flows.




I sketched out the interfaces of the main tasks to kick off the visual design. I then created an low fidelity wireframe to test with my target users.




By adding more detail to my low-fidelity wireframe, I created an interactive mid-fi prototype for better user testing results.



Usability Test

I conducted two rounds of usability tests with ten users from different demographic backgrounds. 80% of the tested users are Apple users and range between 20-40 years old. Users tested three major flows and provided feedback.

Major Flows

Privacy Dashboard Onboarding

Set up the privacy dashboard as a first time user.

Data Tracking Management

Use Data Tracking page to turn off the data tracking by all the apps on their phone.

Account Sign Up

Create an account on through the Privacy Dashboard easy sign up process.


Stop tracking button could use some explanation

“I get the bar chart is representing different categories, but I don't see the specific categories.”

A filter to sort Recent Data Activities

Final Design


A native iOS app to manage your data activities and authentications to protect you from privacy abuse.

Privacy Dashboard App Icon

Safe and Easy Onboarding

The onboarding process delivers clear messages about what this app can do and what information the user needs to provide.

On Boarding Start

The simplified privacy term is presented to eases your eyes from boring text.

On Boarding Start
Onboarding Process

You can simply import your basic information from Apple ID with a single click. Options to import from contacts or enter manually are also provided.

Onboading Basic Information Step

You can connect all your accounts through iCloud Keychain and apps on your iPhone.

Onboading Link Account Step

You will be asked to create a master password for Privacy Dashboard. Enabling FaceID helps you to ease this process without compromising your safety.

Onboading Safety Step

Confirmation page gives you a overview of what information is imported to Privacy Dashboard.

Onboading Confirmation Step

Manage Your Data Tracking With Ease

Data Panel

Displaying data usage with simple symbols, colored rings and numbers provides rich yet easy to understand data categories for you.

Data Pannel

The eye-catching data tracking switch button tells you your data tracking status.

Data Tracking Switch

The filter allows you to view different types of data tracking easily.

Filter for Latest Data Tracking

Shield symbols with universal colors indicate the data tracking status of each of your apps.

Shield Symbols in Data Tracking Lists

You can view each data tracking category in detail. The bar chart indicates at what time the requests were made. The amount of requests made from each app is shown in the Latest Activities list.

View Data Tracking By Category

If you want to dig deep into your data activities, you can view the detailed tracking report of each app. If you feel this app is taking too much information from you, the tracking toggle allows you to turn off all types of tracking for this app.

View Data Tracking By App
Stop Data Tracking

After you initiate the “Stop Data Tracking” process, you will be asked the data categories you intend to protect from data brokers.

Stop All Data Tracking Stop Some Data Tracking

Confirmation page provides you what has been stopped, and reminds you that you can allowed tracking if it is needed in the future.

Stop Tracking Confrimation Page

After turning off data tracking, the switch button becomes green(yellow for partially off) to indicate your data is safe.

Data Tracking All Off

Sign Up with A Tap, Sign In with Ease

Privacy Dashboard detects sign up page in Safari and uses the Register Card to assist your registeration process.

Register account on via Privacy Dashboard

You will be redirected to Privacy Dashboard for the registration process. Authentication is required everytime you enter the Privacy Dashboard.

FaceID Authentication Screen
Creating a New Account

Use the information you stored in your Privacy Dashboard with a single tap.

Choose Basic Information Screen

Inspired by “Sign In with Apple,” I integrated the “Hide My Email” feature, which forwards emails to your personal email address, to protect your privacy.

Choose Email Option Screen

Defaulting to the “Strong Password” option encourages you to maximize your account security level.

Choose Password Screen

Lists out detailed information for you to confirm the data you are sharing. Feel free to edit it if you want to.

Confim New Account Information Scrren

If there is an account stored in Privacy Dashboard, the “Sign In Card” will assists you to safely sign in to your account.

Log In to via Privacy Dashboard

Authentication is done by FaceID, or any other method your set up in Privacy Dashboard.

Log In Authentication via FaceID

With a single tap,
you are in your account.

Logged In to

Authentication, You Are In Charge

Log In to via Privacy Dashboard

Recent Logins Card shows you the current log in status of 8 of your recent used accounts. The Status Indicator at the top uses colors and symbols for better understanding, green for logged in, red for logged out. You can tap on each app icon to log off from the app.

Log In Authentication via FaceID

Account Dashboard provides an overview of all your accounts with colored rings.

Logged In to

Pop up confirmation card will appear after you click the app icon and provide more detail about the logged in account, and wait for your decision to continue.

Easy Log Off Confirmation

After you confirm to log out, the app icon will gray out and the Status Indicator will change to logged out.

Recent Login Cards

Final Thought

Throughout this project, I learned about how serious the privacy issue that we are facing is. We are transparent online within a profit driven internet. There is so many more puzzles we need to solve, policies we need to make, and platforms we need to design.

Right as I finished designing Privacy Dashboard, Apple hosted WWDC 2021, where they introduced privacy features such as Mail Privacy Protection, App Privacy Report, Privacy Relay, and Hide My Email through iCloud+.

I was proud to see that my design approach aligned with Apple's newest features. Apple strengthed their value in privacy and provided a safer online space for users.

What's Next?

I'm planning to design Privacy Dashboard 2.0 in the future. I will keep exploring more about the the possibility of a privacy hub for users by implementing new privacy features Apple introduced, credit bureaus, and much more.